Advertlets: make more money with your blog... ~ Earn Money Rocket

Friday, August 17, 2007

Advertlets: make more money with your blog...

(Click on the photo to see it in full size)
Need to make more money with your blog? Tired of international blog advertising programs that display advertisements irrelevant to your blog readers? Tired of making little money from international online advertising programs, because there aren’t enough advertisers for your region?

Advertlets provides targeted advertising through the means of real time demographics profiling for your blog - meaning, you get local advertisers, matched with the target audience for your blog. They wouldn’t show ads on your blog for make-up and high heels if they found you had 80% male visitors, for instance.

Advertlets offer you interesting formats to display advertisements - sidebar ads, and also sponsored polls. You can even make money getting paid to review local products and services.

You don’t just get paid: Advertlets also provide innovative polling system for your use - find out what who your readers are, by putting up the demographics polls for users to submit their details. This way, you get a unique service to learn more about your blog readers even before you make your first dollar with Advertlets.

Advertlets are in a good position to do this - the developers of Advertlets, Josh Lim & Associates have been in digital marketing for many years, and have provided web design services for many prominent local clients. Hence, this existing relationship with current Josh Lim & Associates clients gives Advertlets greater confidence and credibility to procure lots of advertising for bloggers within the Advertlets Network.

Lastly,Bloggers are allowed to vote on new site features and advertising formats, which allows to upgrade the Advertlets Network over time, to suit your needs even more.

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