Your simple guide to RSS service... ~ Earn Money Rocket

Friday, August 24, 2007

Your simple guide to RSS service...


What is RSS?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”.

people also describe it as a ‘news feed’ that you subscribe to

RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of Internet users all around the world.

RSS allows you to stay up to date with your favorite sites and blogs,once you subscribe, it automatically delivers items to your selected rss reader.

It’s basically a way to manage all the information coming your way (remember that you decide what comes your way) and realistically you never have to visit a site again.

It provides you with a method to get your favorite and up to date information and read it in your own time. It saves you time and helps you to get the information you want quickly after it published.

Rather than visiting site by site every time, you gather all the relevant sites you need and aggregate them into your preferred rss reader. From there you simply scroll through the headlines and/or the first paragraph of each item and select the one’s you are interested in. All from the one place .

Benefits of RSS:

1-Quickly scan headlines (titles) and read articles of more information in a shorter time.

2-There is no spam with RSS. If you are not completely interested with the content appearing in a feed simply remove it from the newsreader.

3-You decide what to subscribe to and what to ignore.

4-keep up to date with the latest posts and updates of your favorite sites and blogs.

5-You control over the information you receive, and receiving it with as little effort saving a lot of time.

How to Use RSS:

Get an RSS Reader, There are many feed readers like

Google Reader , Rojo , Bloglines , feedlounge , NewsGator Online ,InfoRSS , BottomFeeder , BlogBridge , FeedDemon

Find Some Feeds to Subscribe to -

  1. On the Site or Blog: Little orange buttons The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. , links called RSS, XML, ATOM.
  2. In Your Browser: When you surf to a site you can usually tell if it has an RSS feed by looking in the right hand side of address bar-when you’re using Firefox browser- where you type in the site’s URL.See the little orange icon on the right hand side feed-icon-12x12-orange The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. ,Click that and you’ll be locating the rss feed.

Simply grab the rss feed, place it into your rss reader and the information will come to you in less effort saving your time.

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